300: Rise Of An EmpireHD
Considering the fact that it's been seven years since Zack Snyder's visually groundbreaking 300 and that there have been any number of pretenders (Immortals, Clash of the Titans, etc.) in its wake, the $46 million opening weekend for its sequel 300: Rise of an Empire falls squarely into the category of "not bad". The surprisingly good prequel/sequel ("side-quel" would be the most accurate description) debuted yesterday with $45.05 million. $6.8m of that came from its 343 IMAX locations (it's their second-biggest R-rated debut), and I'd argue this is the first "must see it in IMAX" film since Gravity. That's 45% below the $70.9m opening weekend of the original 300, even with the 3D up-charge and seven years of inflation. But I don't think anyone was expecting lightning to strike twice anymore than we expected Angels and Demons ($46m on opening weekend) to match The Da Vinci Code ($70m).
300: Rise Of An EmpireHD
Son Of God earned $10 million over its second weekend, down 61% for a ten-day total of $41m. It's a one-weekend wonder to be sure, but it was cheap enough to make it already rather profitable. Pompeii earned another $1.6m (-63%) and brought its cume to $21m. Screen Gems' About Last Night dropped 51% in weekend four, earning $1.65m and bringing its cume to $46.5m. Stalingrad lost most of its IMAX screens to 300: Rise of an Empire and dropped 79% this weekend, earning $105k for a $863k. In Oscar bait that wasn't, Monuments Men crossed $70m domestic after earning $3.1m (-37%), putting it on course to surpass the $82m gross of The Descendants and the $83m gross of Up In The Air. In somewhat good news, Paramount's Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit finally crossed $50m this weekend.
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