{KEYWORD}', '_blank Extra Quality
The table includes an example of the property:value syntax for each property and a description of the search results returned by the examples. You can enter these property:value pairs in the keywords box for an eDiscovery search.
{KEYWORD}', '_blank
The following table lists the contact properties that are indexed and that you can search for using eDiscovery search tools. These are the properties that are available for users to configure for the contacts (also called personal contacts) that are located in the personal address book of a user's mailbox. To search for contacts, you can select the mailboxes to search and then use one or more contact properties in the keyword query.
The query keyword1 + keyword2 (with a space after the + symbol) isn't the same as using the AND operator. This query would be equivalent to "keyword1 + keyword2" and return items with the exact phase "keyword1 + keyword2".
1 Use this operator for properties that have date or numeric values. 2 Boolean search operators must be uppercase; for example, AND. If you use a lowercase operator, such as and, it will be treated as a keyword in the search query.
A condition is logically connected to the keyword query (specified in the keyword box) by the AND operator. That means that items have to satisfy both the keyword query and the condition to be included in the results. This is how conditions help to narrow your results.
If you add two or more unique conditions to a search query (conditions that specify different properties), those conditions are logically connected by the AND operator. That means only items that satisfy all the conditions (in addition to any keyword query) are returned.
If you add more than one condition for the same property, those conditions are logically connected by the OR operator. That means items that satisfy the keyword query and any one of the conditions are returned. So, groups of the same conditions are connected to each other by the OR operator and then sets of unique conditions are connected by the AND operator.
The search query that is created by using the keywords box and conditions is displayed on the Search page, in the details pane for the selected search. In a query, everything to the right of the notation (c:c) indicates conditions that are added to the query.
This example returns email items or documents that contain the keyword "report", that were sent or created before April 1, 2021, and that contain the word "northwind" in the subject field of email messages or in the title property of documents. The query excludes Web pages that meet the other search criteria.
You can use eDiscovery search tools in the compliance portal to search for sensitive data, such as credit card numbers or social security numbers, that is stored in documents on SharePoint and OneDrive for Business sites. You can do this by using the SensitiveType property and the name (or ID) of a sensitive information type in a keyword query. For example, the query SensitiveType:"Credit Card Number" returns documents that contain a credit card number. The query SensitiveType:"U.S. Social Security Number (SSN)" returns documents that contain a U.S. social security number.
You can also use eDiscovery search tools in the compliance portal to search for documents stored on SharePoint and OneDrive for Business sites that have been shared with people outside of your organization. This can help you identify sensitive or proprietary information that's being shared outside your organization. You can do this by using the ViewableByExternalUsers property in a keyword query. This property returns documents or sites that have been shared with external users by using one of the following sharing methods:
The previous search query also returns chats from Microsoft Teams. To prevent this, you can narrow the search results to include only Skype for Business conversations by using the following keyword query:
I have created 2 search pages with Apache Solr module one with content type filter and another for search in taxonomy terms. By default if the keyword string is empty the search pages don't return any results. How can I list all available items with certain content type or with taxonomy term in this case? Thanks
The noopener keyword in the rel attribute is used primarily for security reasons to prevent malicious users from messing with the original web page through the Window.opener property. If the malicious user gained access to your window object then they could redirect your page to a malicious URL.
In 2021, there was an update made where modern browsers now set rel=noopener to any link using the target=_blank attribute. As you can see in this Can I use table, the noopener keyword is supported by most browsers except for Internet Explorer 11.
Hey everyone, in this blog I want to address a very common MDX Question. What is the difference between the NON EMPTY keyword and NONEMPTY function? To take it a step further which one should you use?
The big difference between the NON EMPTY keyword and the NONEMPTY function is when the evaluation occurs in the MDX. The NON EMPTY keyword is the last thing that is evaluated, in other words after all axes have been evaluated then the NON EMPTY keyword is executed to remove any empty space from the final result set. The NONEMPTY function is evaluated when the specific axis is evaluated.
WHOOOAAA, what happened?? A lot of people would have expected the results here to show the bottom ten products that DID have sales. However, that is not the case, remember that I said the NON EMPTY keyword is evaluated LAST after all axes have been evaluated. This means that first the bottom ten selling products which have $0 in sales are first returned and then the NON EMPTY keyword removes all that empty space from the final result.
There is a very common misconception that the NONEMPTY function always performs better than the NON EMPTY keyword, however this is not true. My good friend Dustin Ryan has a great blog discussing this point. Head on over to his blog here: SQLDusty
The final keyword can be applied with the variables, a final variable that have no value it is called blank final variable or uninitialized final variable. It can be initialized in the constructor only. The blank final variable can be static also which will be initialized in the static block only. We will have detailed learning of these. Let's first learn the basics of final keyword.
Tokens form the vocabulary of the Go language.There are four classes: identifiers, keywords, operatorsand punctuation, and literals. White space, formed fromspaces (U+0020), horizontal tabs (U+0009),carriage returns (U+000D), and newlines (U+000A),is ignored except as it separates tokensthat would otherwise combine into a single token. Also, a newline or end of filemay trigger the insertion of a semicolon.While breaking the input into tokens,the next token is the longest sequence of characters that form avalid token.
A parsing ambiguity arises when a composite literal using theTypeName form of the LiteralType appears as an operand between thekeyword and the opening brace of the blockof an "if", "for", or "switch" statement, and the composite literalis not enclosed in parentheses, square brackets, or curly braces.In this rare case, the opening brace of the literal is erroneously parsedas the one introducing the block of statements. To resolve the ambiguity,the composite literal must appear within parentheses.
A type switch compares types rather than values. It is otherwise similarto an expression switch. It is marked by a special switch expression thathas the form of a type assertionusing the keyword type rather than an actual type:
For example, if you have a variable that contains the value $my_variable, you will need to escape it with the backslash character: \$my_variable before using it as an argument for a keyword.
If you need to explicitly handle empty spaces as arguments of a keyword, you will need to escape them. Similarly, as when escaping empty values, it is possible to do that either by using the backslash character or by using the built-in variable $SPACE.
Almost certainly we can say that if there is and exists some kind of task or need, then most likely there will be applications for it. But this is not a reason to give up, but just a reason to approach text optimization and the selection of keywords with the utmost seriousness.
A keyword (search query, key, keyword) is a word or phrase that characterizes an app or its main functions. Users type these words and queries in the search to find the application they are interested in. Developers are trying to embed them in metadata to improve the visibility of the application in search.
A semantic core is an array of keywords and phrases that describe the application best, with all relevant associations. ASO specialists embed this list of keywords into metadata to improve the visibility of the application in search (ASO optimization). By entering any of these keywords in the market bar, the user will be able to find an optimized app.
The very first source of keywords or search terms is you. Think about what tasks, problems, or needs exactly the user will solve using your application. You know everything about your product as a developer - take advantage of this!
Quantitative metrics are the most important indicator of the semantics you have collected. How many users per day enter the search query you are interested in, and how many competing applications are in your top semantics? Do not forget about advertising on the markets - the first few lines in the search results belong to applications that use paid advertising for promotion. It is at this point that we consider it necessary to mention the existence of services for selecting application keywords that contain all the information you are interested in. You can find a list of popular ASO tools for text and visual optimization here. But in more detail, we will focus on the ASOMobile mobile analytics tools. 041b061a72