Seattle Mesothelioma Lawyer
We represent victims and their families affected by mesothelioma and asbestos exposure in the Seattle and throughout Washington and the West Coast. These cases are complex and require compassion, as well as an in-depth understanding of the law and what strategy to take to find the best resolution.
seattle mesothelioma lawyer
Our firm has extensive experience working with other attorneys on mesothelioma cases, and we offer generous referral fees for the cases we accept. We are known for getting results. As one of the prominent mesothelioma law firms on the West Coast, we have recovered tens of millions of dollars for our clients.
You have legal rights if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma or suffered from asbestos exposure. Let us protect your rights. We will travel anywhere to meet with you. Call us at 206-558-9441 or fill out our online form below to get started.
Our client was a 37 year old woman diagnosed with mesothelioma. She was exposed to asbestos products from her father who worked in telephone line maintenance at Pacific Northwest Bell, n/k/a Century Link.
Despite decades of research proving that exposure to asbestos leads to a number of devastating and potentially life-threatening diseases, such as mesothelioma, the asbestos industry continued producing harmful, asbestos-containing products throughout the twentieth century.
At theLaw Office of J.D. Smith, PLLC, we believe that the asbestos industry should be held accountable for its failure to put public health and safety ahead of profits. If you or your loved one was diagnosed with asbestosis, mesothelioma, or any other asbestos-related condition, you have the right to take legal action.
In fact, many people are surprised to learn that asbestos is not currently banned in the United States. If you suffered a chronic illness, were diagnosed with mesothelioma, or your loved one died as a result of an asbestos-related condition, our firm can help.
At theLaw Office of J.D. Smith, PLLC, we bring more than two decades of combined legal experience to each case. Our mesothelioma lawyers in Seattle work tirelessly to help you and your family pursue the best physical and financial recovery possible. We are here to answer your questions and help you navigate the legal process.
SGB asbestos-mesothelioma lawyers have been representing asbestos workers and their families longer than any law firm in Washington. Most of the important asbestos appellate decisions in favor of asbestos victims in the state were won by SGB mesothelioma and asbestosis lawyers; no law firm in Washington has tried more asbestos cancer lawsuits and mesothelioma cases than SGB. We have won millions of dollars in settlements and verdicts for asbestos victims.
When you hire SGB, the asbestos-mesothelioma lawyer you meet on day one will be the lawyer who will be with you all the way through. We work as a team with a staff of dedicated paralegals and legal assistants to ensure you get the compensation you deserve.
Family members of workers who are occupationally exposed to asbestos can develop mesothelioma. This may be due to the exposure of asbestos fibers brought into the home on the clothing, skin, and hair. People living close to asbestos mines and facilities that utilized asbestos have also been exposed and have brought mesothelioma lawsuits.
People who have suffered from asbestos diseases. At SGB, our mesothelioma and asbestos lawyers have represented thousands of spouses and family members who have been exposed to asbestos indirectly and have suffered a disabling or terminal disease.
Unfortunately, most of the prominent Seattle job sites heavily used asbestos until the 1980s. As a result, numerous workers were exposed to the hazardous mineral and many of them developed devastating asbestos-related ailments including mesothelioma and asbestosis.
If you or anyone in your family has developed medical conditions such as mesothelioma, asbestosis, or lung cancer after suffering asbestos exposure, you could receive significant compensation from mesothelioma trust funds. We will help you find a leading Seattle mesothelioma lawyer who can assist you to get paid in just 90 days.
The Seattle Division of the Todd Shipyards was created in 1916 as a drydock construction and shipbuilding firm. Though it was a strong business which provided plenty of jobs to the residents of Seattle, asbestos was heavily used at its job sites. As a result, a number of former Todd Shipyards workers have contracted diseases including mesothelioma.
Mesothelioma patients must seek medical treatment from a qualified physician who has specialization in dealing with diseases linked to asbestos exposure. Here is a list of some experienced Seattle doctors specialized in malignant mesothelioma:
If you or a loved one has developed asbestos-related diseases like mesothelioma, you are likely to be eligible for considerable compensation. An experienced mesothelioma lawyer can help you file a lawsuit against the liable parties and win the highest possible damages. A good mesothelioma lawyer can also help you get paid from mesothelioma trust funds in three months. To consult an efficient Seattle mesothelioma lawyer, please call at or fill out our online contact form.
Brendan Little is a partner at Bergman Draper Oslund Udo, where he fights for victims of mesothelioma and other asbestos injuries. He understands the toll a difficult medical diagnosis can take on a family and helps guide his clients through the legal process with patience and compassion.
$30 Million jury verdict for an Oregon widow of a 67 year-old deceased mesothelioma victim against Ameron Corporation for four months of asbestos exposures at Ameron's Bondstrand factory in Brea, California in the 1970s. (Multnomah County, OR, 2022)
When viewing a listing, consider the state advertising restrictions to which lawyers and law firms must adhere, as well as our Legal Directory disclaimer. Some lawyers publish comparative information regarding the services that they provide which may be subject to specific comparative communications restrictions.
Asbestos is a naturally occurring substance that is flame resistant. It has been used by people for hundreds of years, but until the late 1980s, it was not known that it was toxic and could cause the occupational diseases of asbestosis and mesothelioma.
Attorney Joanne Werner, R.N., has devoted herself to helping injured workers find the financial resources they need after suffering an on-the-job injury. She is an aggressive trial lawyer combining legal skill and medical knowledge in order to get successful results for her clients.
If you suspect that you or a loved one may have been exposed to a toxic level of asbestos leading to mesothelioma pleural, contact The Law Office of Joanne R. Werner to talk to a lawyer at no charge. We can help you understand your legal options.
Chandler Udo is a trial lawyer who joined Bergman Draper Oslund Udo in 2011. Over the course of his career, Chandler has successfully tried numerous asbestos cases in both state and federal courts. He works tirelessly to obtain the best possible outcome for his clients from the initial client meeting through the conclusion of trial. Chandler serves as a volunteer for the King County Bar Association neighborhood legal clinic in Seattle...
Chandler Udo is a trial lawyer who joined Bergman Draper Oslund Udo in 2011. Over the course of his career, Chandler has successfully tried numerous asbestos cases in both state and federal courts. He works tirelessly to obtain the best possible outcome for his clients from the initial client meeting through the conclusion of trial. Chandler serves as a volunteer for the King County Bar Association neighborhood legal clinic in Seattle. Prior to joining Bergman Draper Oslund Udo, Chandler worked as a law clerk for the Honorable Ellen J. Fair in Snohomish County Superior Court.
Washington mesothelioma lawyers help asbestos exposure victims file lawsuits, get justice, and receive compensation for medical and other expenses through settlements, jury awards, and asbestos trust funds. The state of Washington ranks high in the U.S. for the number of deaths caused by asbestos exposure, with more than 9,000 deaths from diseases like mesothelioma between 1999 and 2017.[1]
The Washington law firm of Schroeter Goldmark & Bender has a forty-year history of service and commitment to those who have been wronged by powerful interests. Nowhere is that more obvious than in their pursuit of justice for those diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma.
Lucas has dedicated his legal care to representing those who have been harmed by intentional or negligent wrongs. He has a successful record in the courtroom, having worked as both a public defender and in pursuit of justice for those who have been harmed physically and financially by others. His broad knowledge and reputation for creativity and diligence have led to him being asked to teach both evidence and trial advocacy to other lawyers. 041b061a72