A Handbook Of Saxon Sorcery 2021
Discover the secrets of Saxon sorcery, and learn how to craft rune charms, brew potions, cast effective spells, and use magical techniques to find love and prosperity. Exploring the practices and customs of the Anglo-Saxons hidden in English folk traditions, this book shares techniques for making wands and staffs, consecrating and using a ritual seax (knife), healing with herbs (wortcunning), soothsaying, and creating your own set of runes. The meaning and magical properties of the thirty-three Old English Futhorc runes are classified by theme, helping you in your quest to know yourself and influence your world for the better.
A Handbook Of Saxon Sorcery
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Discover the secrets of Saxon sorcery, and learn how to craft rune charms, brew potions, cast effective spells, and use magical techniques to find love and prosperity. Exploring the practices and customs of the Anglo-Saxons hidden in English folk traditions, this book shares techniques for making wands and staffs, consecrating and using a ritual knife, healing with herbs (wortcunning), soothsaying, and creating your own set of runes. The meaning and magical properties of the thirty-three Old English Futhorc runes are classified by theme, helping you in your quest to know yourself and influence your world for the better.
Godfrid Storms compared the Leechbook and the Lacnunga, arguing that if the former had been "the handbook of the Anglo-Saxon medical man", then the latter was more like "the handbook of the Anglo-Saxon medicine-man", placing a greater emphasis on magical charms and deviating from normal medical manuscripts in style.[14]
Evidence for the practice of witchcraft, or malevolent magic, can be found in the written records dating from the latter centuries of Anglo-Saxon England. The earliest of these are Latin penitentials written as handbooks for Christian priests, explaining to them the type of penance required for each sin, including the sin of witchcraft.[35] One of the earliest of these was the Paenitentiale Theodori, attributed to Theodore of Tarsus, who held the position of Archbishop of Canterbury from 667 to 690. In chapter I. XV, De Cultura Idolorum ('Concerning the worship of idols'), it states: