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Theodore Turner
Theodore Turner

Kundli Pro 7 Incl Crack.rar HOT!

Kundli opens with a vibrantly arranged interface and is a useful application for a Windows system to develop horoscopes with greater accuracy. It offers the latest version of Vedic Indian astrology with precise detailing for determining planetary doshas, kshitiz Chandra and Ashtakvarga essential for match making and also includes guna dosh milan with Manglik considerations. The software is available in English and Hindi languages and also facilitates exporting reports to external formats like JPEG, PDF and BMP and further e-mailing them. It provided the most accurate calculations, and screen preview with storage capabilities for future reference. Moreover, it is Y2K compatible, south and North Indian charting is also provided and Time Zone differences are also calculated. To sum up, this application is a constructive utility for Indians wishing to generate accurate horoscopes.

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Other names widely used in English for the horoscope include natal chart, astrological chart, Astro-chart, celestial chart, sky-chart, star-chart, cosmogram, vita sphere, radical chart, radix chart, or simply chart.

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